BGMC Sunday is the second Sunday of every month,
and this month is a $1 Matching Challenge!
For every dollar the kids raise, Charity & Scott Bray will donate a $1 to BGMC!
So, bring your filled yellow Buddy Barrels Sunday!

Special Valentines Lesson Sunday!
Valentine’s Day is a day when people take the time to tell the special people in their life that they love them. On Valentine’s Day, millions of people give cards, candy, flowers, and other gifts to family, friends, and special loved ones as a way of saying “I love you.” But as we see in the Bible, it’s one thing to say “I love you” with our words and quite another to show that we love someone with our actions. The story of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet shows us what real love and sacrifice look like. The story gives us a model for saying “I love you” to our families, to our loved ones, and to God. Valentines, cards, and candy are nice expressions of love, but it is through action and sacrifice that we really show how much we love someone!
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